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Euro Birth 2019


Track 1: Midwifery

Midwifery is skilled, knowledgeable and compassionate care for childbearing women, newborn infants and families across the continuum throughout pre-pregnancy, pregnancy, birth, postpartum and the early weeks of life. Core qualities incorporate improving typical natural mental, social, and social procedures of multiplication and early life; convenient counteractive action and the board of entanglements; conference with and referral to different administrations. 83% of all maternal deaths, stillbirths and newborn deaths could be averted with the full package of midwifery care.

Related Conferences: Midwifery Conferences | Birth Conferences | Womens Health Conferences | Nursing Conferences | Gynecology Conferences | Obstetrics Conferences | Pediatrics Conferences

Related Associations: International Confederation of Midwives | European Midwives Association | Boston Association for Childbirth Education | National Childbirth Trust | Association of Radical Midwives | Australian College of Midwives | Nursing and Midwifery Council | Nurses and Midwives Tribunal


Track 2: Human Fertilization

Fertilization is the fusion of haploid gametes, egg and sperm, to form the diploid zygote. Though there can be subtle differences in the fertilization process which occurs naturally within the body or through reproductive technologies outside the body, the overall product in both cases is a diplod zygote. The process of fertilization involves components of, and signaling between, both spermatozoa and oocyte. In addition to in vivo fertilization there are many new in vitro technologies related to human infertility.

Related Conferences: Midwifery Conferences | Birth Conferences | Womens Health Conferences | Nursing Conferences | Gynecology Conferences | Obstetrics Conferences | Pediatrics Conferences

Related Associations: International Confederation of Midwives | European Midwives Association | Boston Association for Childbirth Education | National Childbirth Trust | Association of Radical Midwives | Australian College of Midwives | Nursing and Midwifery Council | Nurses and Midwives Tribunal


Track 3: Pregnancy

Pregnancy is the term used to describe the period in which a fetus develops inside a woman's womb or uterus. Pregnancy has three trimesters, each of which is marked by specific fetal developments. A pregnancy is considered full-term at 40 weeks; infants delivered before the end of week 37 are considered premature. Premature infants may have problems with their growth and development, as well as difficulties in breathing and digesting.

Related Conferences: Midwifery Conferences | Birth Conferences | Womens Health Conferences | Nursing Conferences | Gynecology Conferences | Obstetrics Conferences | Pediatrics Conferences

Related Associations: International Confederation of Midwives | European Midwives Association | Boston Association for Childbirth Education | National Childbirth Trust | Association of Radical Midwives | Australian College of Midwives | Nursing and Midwifery Council | Nurses and Midwives Tribunal


Track 4: Child Birth, Labor and Delivery

Labor is the process of giving birth. Signs that you might be going into labor include: Contractions that are regular then start to come closer together, Leaking fluid or bleeding from the vagina, Low dull backache, Abdominal cramps. Vaginal delivery is the most common and safest type of childbirth. Caesarean delivery (C-section) may be necessary for the safety of the baby, especially if one of these complications is present: if baby is not in the head-down position, if baby is too large to pass through the pelvis and if baby is in distress.

Related Conferences: Midwifery Conferences | Birth Conferences | Womens Health Conferences | Nursing Conferences | Gynecology Conferences | Obstetrics Conferences | Pediatrics Conferences

Related Associations: International Confederation of Midwives | European Midwives Association | Boston Association for Childbirth Education | National Childbirth Trust | Association of Radical Midwives | Australian College of Midwives | Nursing and Midwifery Council | Nurses and Midwives Tribunal


Track 5: Preterm Birth

Preterm Birth is also called preterm labor. It’s when your body starts getting ready for birth too early in your pregnancy. Labor is premature if it starts more than three weeks before your due date. Premature labor can lead to an early birth. But the good news is that doctors can do a lot to delay an early delivery. The longer your baby gets to grow inside you -- right up to your due date -- the less likely he or she is to have problems after birth.

Related Conferences: Midwifery Conferences | Birth Conferences | Womens Health Conferences | Nursing Conferences | Gynecology Conferences | Obstetrics Conferences | Pediatrics Conferences

Related Associations: International Confederation of Midwives | European Midwives Association | Boston Association for Childbirth Education | National Childbirth Trust | Association of Radical Midwives | Australian College of Midwives | Nursing and Midwifery Council | Nurses and Midwives Tribunal


Track 6: Intrapartum Care and Postpartum Care

The time period spanning childbirth, from the onset of labor through delivery of the placenta is referred to as Intrapartum Care. Intrapartum can refer to both the woman and the fetus. It covers the care of women and their babies during labour and immediately after the birth. And, It also covers healthy women with uncomplicated pregnancies entering labour at low risk of developing intrapartum complications. The postpartum period begins after the delivery of the baby and ends when the mother's body has nearly returned to its pre-pregnant state.

Related Conferences: Midwifery Conferences | Birth Conferences | Womens Health Conferences | Nursing Conferences | Gynecology Conferences | Obstetrics Conferences | Pediatrics Conferences

Related Associations: International Confederation of Midwives | European Midwives Association | Boston Association for Childbirth Education | National Childbirth Trust | Association of Radical Midwives | Australian College of Midwives | Nursing and Midwifery Council | Nurses and Midwives Tribunal


Track 7: Labour Induction

Induced labour is when you are given medical treatment to start your labour. Induced labour may be recommended if it would be better for you or your baby for the birth to occur sooner, rather than waiting for labour to start naturally. C-section, also known as cesarean delivery, is a procedure in which a birth doctor delivers an infant through an incision in the mother's abdomen and uterus rather than through the vagina.

Related Conferences: Midwifery Conferences | Birth Conferences | Womens Health Conferences | Nursing Conferences | Gynecology Conferences | Obstetrics Conferences | Pediatrics Conferences

Related Associations: International Confederation of Midwives | European Midwives Association | Boston Association for Childbirth Education | National Childbirth Trust | Association of Radical Midwives | Australian College of Midwives | Nursing and Midwifery Council | Nurses and Midwives Tribunal


Track 8: Pain management during childbirth

Labour and childbirth is usually a painful experience and women vary in their response to it. Some women are keen to avoid drugs or other medical interventions while others are happy to consider all available options. For a woman having her first baby, the experience of labour (and her reaction to it) is unpredictable. Labour can be painful – it can help to learn about all the ways you can relieve the pain. It's also helpful for whoever is going to be with you during your labour to know about the different options, as well as how they can support you.

Related Conferences: Midwifery Conferences | Birth Conferences | Womens Health Conferences | Nursing Conferences | Gynecology Conferences | Obstetrics Conferences | Pediatrics Conferences

Related Associations: International Confederation of Midwives | European Midwives Association | Boston Association for Childbirth Education | National Childbirth Trust | Association of Radical Midwives | Australian College of Midwives | Nursing and Midwifery Council | Nurses and Midwives Tribunal

Track 9: Midwives in Maternal and Child Health Care

The dedication of midwives to women is renowned. They provide appropriate education, counselling and antenatal care that is adapted to the specific needs of the woman and baby before them. Collaboration between gynecologists, obstetricians and midwives is critical to strengthening health systems and moving towards Universal Health Coverage.


Track 10: Midwifery Practice and Education

Midwifery as practiced by Certified nurse-midwives (CNMs) and Certified midwives (CMs) encompasses a full range of primary healthcare services for women from adolescence to beyond menopause. These services include primary care, gynecologic and family planning services, preconception care, care during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period, care of the normal newborn during the first 28 days of life, and treatment of male partners for sexually transmitted infections. The midwife has an important task in health counseling, Practice and education, not only for the women, but also within the community.

Related Conferences: Midwifery Conferences | Birth Conferences | Womens Health Conferences | Nursing Conferences | Gynecology Conferences | Obstetrics Conferences | Pediatrics Conferences

Related Associations: International Confederation of Midwives | European Midwives Association | Boston Association for Childbirth Education | National Childbirth Trust | Association of Radical Midwives | Australian College of Midwives | Nursing and Midwifery Council | Nurses and Midwives Tribunal


Track 11: Influence of Drugs on Pregnancy

Whether planned or unplanned, you should try to lead as healthy a lifestyle as you can during and after your pregnancy. Even drugs that don’t seem to do you any harm may be damaging to your baby. Research shows that the drugs you use in pregnancy can influence your child later in life.

Related Conferences: Midwifery Conferences | Birth Conferences | Womens Health Conferences | Nursing Conferences | Gynecology Conferences | Obstetrics Conferences | Pediatrics Conferences

Related Associations: International Confederation of Midwives | European Midwives Association | Boston Association for Childbirth Education | National Childbirth Trust | Association of Radical Midwives | Australian College of Midwives | Nursing and Midwifery Council | Nurses and Midwives Tribunal


Track 12: Perinatal Depression

Perinatal depression is a type of depression that parents can experience during pregnancy and after the birth of a baby. It affects approximately one in six new mothers and one in ten new fathers. It is known to occur during pregnancy or within the first year of the baby’s life. Perinatal depression is more serious than ‘baby blues’, which 80% of new mothers experience in the first few weeks after having a baby. With perinatal depression, people feel a sadness that is more severe than normal, lasts for longer than a few weeks, involves other symptoms, and interferes with how they can get on in their everyday life.

Related Conferences: Midwifery Conferences | Birth Conferences | Womens Health Conferences | Nursing Conferences | Gynecology Conferences | Obstetrics Conferences | Pediatrics Conferences

Related Associations: International Confederation of Midwives | European Midwives Association | Boston Association for Childbirth Education | National Childbirth Trust | Association of Radical Midwives | Australian College of Midwives | Nursing and Midwifery Council | Nurses and Midwives Tribunal


Track 13: Women Health and Uterine Diseases

Women's health is an important topic area to guide a woman through the stages of her life, as well as knowing the conditions and diseases that may occur. Women have unique health issues. And some of the health issues that affect both men and women can affect women differently. The uterus, or womb, is the place where a baby grows when a woman is pregnant. The first sign of a problem with the uterus may be bleeding between periods or after sex. Causes can include hormones, thyroid problems, fibroids, polyps, cancer, infection, or pregnancy. Treatment depends on the cause.

Related Conferences: Midwifery Conferences | Birth Conferences | Womens Health Conferences | Nursing Conferences | Gynecology Conferences | Obstetrics Conferences | Pediatrics Conferences

Related Associations: International Confederation of Midwives | European Midwives Association | Boston Association for Childbirth Education | National Childbirth Trust | Association of Radical Midwives | Australian College of Midwives | Nursing and Midwifery Council | Nurses and Midwives Tribunal


Track 14: Birth control methods

Birth Control (contraception) is any method, medicine, or device used to prevent pregnancy. Women can choose from many different types of birth control. Some work better than others at preventing pregnancy. The type of birth control you use depends on your health, your desire to have children now or in the future, and your need to prevent sexually transmitted infections.

Related Conferences: Midwifery Conferences | Birth Conferences | Womens Health Conferences | Nursing Conferences | Gynecology Conferences | Obstetrics Conferences | Pediatrics Conferences

Related Associations: International Confederation of Midwives | European Midwives Association | Boston Association for Childbirth Education | National Childbirth Trust | Association of Radical Midwives | Australian College of Midwives | Nursing and Midwifery Council | Nurses and Midwives Tribunal


Track 15: Neonatology

Neonatology is the branch of medicine concerned with the care, development, and diseases of newborn infants. Neonatologists ensure that critically ill newborns receive the proper nutrition for healing and growth. Neonatologists have the special training required to evaluate and treat newborns’ medical problems. In addition, neonatologists use equipment that is designed specifically for the tiniest patients.

Related Conferences: Midwifery Conferences | Birth Conferences | Womens Health Conferences | Nursing Conferences | Gynecology Conferences | Obstetrics Conferences | Pediatrics Conferences

Related Associations: International Confederation of Midwives | European Midwives Association | Boston Association for Childbirth Education | National Childbirth Trust | Association of Radical Midwives | Australian College of Midwives | Nursing and Midwifery Council | Nurses and Midwives Tribunal


Track 16: Perinatology

A perinatologist, sometimes also referred to as a maternal-fetal medicine (MFM) specialist, is an obstetrician-gynecologist who specializes in high-risk pregnancy. Some of the services provided by the maternal-fetal specialist include diabetes care, management of multiple gestations, level II ultrasound of the fetus, chorionic villus sampling, genetic amniocentesis, and in some centers fetal surgery or treatment.

Related Conferences: Midwifery Conferences | Birth Conferences | Womens Health Conferences | Nursing Conferences | Gynecology Conferences | Obstetrics Conferences | Pediatrics Conferences

Related Associations: International Confederation of Midwives | European Midwives Association | Boston Association for Childbirth Education | National Childbirth Trust | Association of Radical Midwives | Australian College of Midwives | Nursing and Midwifery Council | Nurses and Midwives Tribunal


Track 17: Pediatrics

Pediatrics is the branch of medicine dealing with the child, development and care of children, and the nature and treatment of diseases of children. A pediatrician is a child's physician who provides not only medical care for children who are acutely or chronically ill but also preventive health services for healthy children.

Related Conferences: Midwifery Conferences | Birth Conferences | Womens Health Conferences | Nursing Conferences | Gynecology Conferences | Obstetrics Conferences | Pediatrics Conferences

Related Associations: International Confederation of Midwives | European Midwives Association | Boston Association for Childbirth Education | National Childbirth Trust | Association of Radical Midwives | Australian College of Midwives | Nursing and Midwifery Council | Nurses and Midwives Tribunal


Track 18: Gynecology and Obstetrics

Gynecology, the branch of medicine dealing with health care for women, especially the diagnosis and treatment of disorders affecting the female reproductive system. Obstetrics deals with the care of the pregnant women, the unborn baby, labor and delivery and the immediate period following childbirth. The obstetrician ensures that mother and child get the best prenatal care to ensure labor and delivery is accomplished without complications and that should intervention be needed, it is done quickly and safely.

Related Conferences: Midwifery Conferences | Birth Conferences | Womens Health Conferences | Nursing Conferences | Gynecology Conferences | Obstetrics Conferences | Pediatrics Conferences

Related Associations: International Confederation of Midwives | European Midwives Association | Boston Association for Childbirth Education | National Childbirth Trust | Association of Radical Midwives | Australian College of Midwives | Nursing and Midwifery Council | Nurses and Midwives Tribunal


Track 19: Maternal and Neonatal Morbidities and Mortality

Maternal and Neonatal morbidity and mortality are key indicators of health and reflect the accessibility of maternal, neonatal and other health care services. The most common conditions causing maternal death are hemorrhage, severe high blood pressure, and venous thromboembolism. Severe maternal morbidity causes major short- or long-term health consequences and has increased by about 75% over the past decade in the United States. Maternal morbidity and mortality relate to higher risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes like preterm birth and infant death.

Related Conferences: Midwifery Conferences | Birth Conferences | Womens Health Conferences | Nursing Conferences | Gynecology Conferences | Obstetrics Conferences | Pediatrics Conferences

Related Associations: International Confederation of Midwives | European Midwives Association | Boston Association for Childbirth Education | National Childbirth Trust | Association of Radical Midwives | Australian College of Midwives | Nursing and Midwifery Council | Nurses and Midwives Tribunal


Track 20: Endocrine Disorders in Pregnancy

Endocrine disorders are significant causes of perioperative morbidity and mortality. Almost, all are linked with changes in fluid and electrolyte homeostasis and hemodynamic alterations from dysfunction of the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis. Because nearly all tissues respond to endocrine hormones, endocrine diseases are connected with multisystem disease. Diabetes mellitus and thyroid disease are quite common during pregnancy. Most other endocrine disorders are either very rare or are linked with impaired fertility and consequently occur only rarely in parturients.

Related Conferences: Midwifery Conferences | Birth Conferences | Womens Health Conferences | Nursing Conferences | Gynecology Conferences | Obstetrics Conferences | Pediatrics Conferences

Related Associations: International Confederation of Midwives | European Midwives Association | Boston Association for Childbirth Education | National Childbirth Trust | Association of Radical Midwives | Australian College of Midwives | Nursing and Midwifery Council | Nurses and Midwives Tribunal

About us

Conference Series llc LTD takes a great honor to welcome you to the European Summit on Midwifery and Birth Management scheduled on October 07-08, 2019 in the beautiful city of Paris, France.
Euro Birth 2019 is preparing for an energizing and educational meeting program and it will be an excellent learning, sharing and networking platform for participants from all over the world. The goal of the conference is to provide a thorough knowledge on midwifery and birth management through informative keynote lectures, workshops, poster presentations in the areas of midwifery, intrapartum and postpartum care, onset of labor and delivery, pregnancy, Labor induction and Caesarean section, birth management and its complications, neonatal care, pediatrics, human fertilization etc. 
Euro Birth 2019 is dedicated towards decreasing maternal and perinatal mortality and morbidity, and it intends to advance awareness in all areas of Intrapartum Care and Child Birth. We would like you to share, extend and impart your valuable thoughts to the global scientific event set to happen in Paris this year as we start to prepare the dais for a grand discussion with the theme “Promoting Clinical Excellence in Labor and Delivery".

Why to Attend?

The instructive part of a gathering can open people to better approaches for directing their business and help them find how to be more profitable. At Euro Birth 2019, there is huge scope to build professional network, our event can become a good place for meeting with people in the field of Midwifery, Birth Management and that you haven’t connected in a while and scientific researchers will have the opportunity to get feedback on their work from people who have never seen it before and may provide new insight.

Core Audience:

The primary target audience for this mammoth conference includes health care professionals, university faculty and students, researchers, midwives, nurses, general medical practitioners, gynecologists, obstetricians, paediatricians, managers of maternal and child health programmes. Euro Birth 2019 will likewise hold importance to professional associations and societies involved in the care of pregnant women and promotion of woman-centred maternity care.


Market Analysis

The global fetal and neonatal care market size was valued at USD 6.7 billion in 2016 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 7.6% over the forecast period. Some of the factors responsible for market growth are the high birth rate in developing countries, rising prevalence of preterm births, and efforts by the government to increase survival rates in such cases. In addition, increasing prevalence of neonatal hospital-acquired infections and rising awareness about neonatal health & care equipment is expected to contribute to the growth.
                              U.S. fetal & neonatal care equipment market, by product, 2014-2025 (USD Million)
According to the UN Foundation maternal & infant care is a global priority, since around 800 women die every day from preventable causes associated with pregnancy or childbirth. This has led to increased demand for neonatal and fetal care equipment. Furthermore, HAIs are primarily a concern for premature and infants with medical disorders requiring prolonged hospitalization. The WHO data states that 2.7 million stillbirths and 3.1 million neonatal deaths occur worldwide annually. Furthermore, preterm and low weight birth babies are susceptible to many heath risks and require specialized care. Hence, demand for neonatal equipment is expected to grow exponentially.
The largest market for baby consumables in Europe is Germany, with a market value of 1.76 billion euros, closely followed by France with a market value of 1.7 billion euros. Baby consumables consist of items such as diapers, pushchairs or any item that might be useful for raising a baby. Germany saw large growth in baby consumable sales when comparing 2014 to 2015, with an increase of 10.8 percent. 

                                             Density of midwifery personnel by region (per 10,000 population)

This statistic shows the total number of births in France from 2004 to 2017. It appears that in 2004, there were 767,816 births in France, rising up to 796,896 in 2006. Since 2010, the number of births has been decreasing gradually. 

To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date October 07-08, 2019

Speaker Opportunity

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